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Zee Pruk

Thank you #Zonzon #Zunshine for being with me from the beginning until today. I feel that I've come a long way too. Thank you for staying as my encouragement and seeing development of ZeePruk more or less today. Nowadays, we come to exchange encouragement and smiles as well as passion for each other. I will intentionally develop myself as best as I can.

“I am just an ordinary person. I am just a human whose my job duties are here therefore I want to support the viewers to like my work more or less. If you ask my feeling, I would say I feel very happy to know that more people know me more and also more international fans too. There were also fan meetings in foreign countries as well as more people to support me. When I confront with problems, everyone is always by my side. They give me support for everything whether it's an in-ear microphone or a food support or an LED project. I feel the encouragement which when I see it, I feel they love me. They had to spend money and wait to see me at the events. I want to share smiles and happiness with each other for a long time.”

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