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After Sundown


As Praplerng Sittikornkanal

"Praplerng" must enter into an engagement ceremony with "Saengrawee", a young man whose his age falls under number nine according to the horoscope belief, in order to solve the misfortune due to the fortune teller’s telling. However, the young student who studies outside the country would not allow himself to be easily arranged. If the relationship did not progress within six months… he would break off the engagement immediately!

Because he wants to live in peace, the talks to get the peace then began. But it was so calm that… he could hear his own heart beating out of rhythm. From what he has said before, no matter what he wouldn’t fall for his fiancée, but after having to face the mysterious and terrifying together the commitment that the young man had spoken before had changed…He had vowed to watch over this Saengrawee. There will be no way for anyone or any danger to invade whether they were humans or spirits!

Teaser After Sundown


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